Simple Truths

Some Inspirational Movies

Finish Strong: A Motivational Video.

The Secret to Living is Giving: An Inpirational Movie.

The Attitude is Everything: An Inpirational Movie.

The Empty Pickle Jar: A Lesson on Life.

The Power of Positive Doing: Changing thoughts with positive ACTION.

The Dash: Making a Difference With Your Life.

Change Is Good: You Go First 21 Ways to Inspire Change.

The Power of Attitude: One little difference that always makes a big difference.

The Power of Kindness: Most effective technique for transforming your life--a little kinder.

The Butterfly Effect: Discover the secret of how you can live a life of permanent purpose.

The Power of Perseverance: The Best Way Out Is Always Through.

If Life is a Game: These Are the Rules 10 Rules for Being Human.

In the Garden of Thoughts: From New York Times bestselling author Dodinsky.

May You Be Blessed: Live more abundantly than the day before.

The First Thing Every Morning: Turn Your Life Around One Day at a Time.

The Best Way Out Is Always Through: Getting out takes perseverance and commitment